According to the United Nations, cities are hubs for ideas, commerce, culture, science, productivity, social, human, and economic development. Urban planning, transport systems, water, sanitation, waste management, disaster risk reduction, access to information, education, and capacity-building are all relevant issues to sustainable urban development.
The United Nations states that in 2008, for the first time in history, the global urban population outnumbered the rural population. This milestone marked the advent of a new 'urban millennium' and, by 2050, it is expected that two-thirds of the world population will be living in urban areas. With more than half of humankind living in cities and the number of urban residents growing by nearly 73 million every year, it is estimated that urban areas account for 70 percent of the world's gross domestic product and has therefore generated economic growth and prosperity for many.
As a result, we need to build smart cities. As Africa grows and becomes more urban we will play our role and work to build smart cities.